Why Are You Hitting Yourself?

In Samkhya philosophy there are 3 Miseries that first need to be understood, uncovered and dealt with. The first, and most important, is Internal Misery. These are the miseries we impose upon ourselves and often the most devastating. Everything from self sabotage to negative self-talk, which I believe is the most destructive. Why? Because it's so easy!! There are no others required in this form of self destruction nor any special equipment. It is in it's ease that makes it so devastating to our mental health. Also and unfortunately, negative self-talk can be self fulfilling. We end up living out the way we feel about ourselves. Patanjali very simply suggests we cultivate the opposite. That is, instead of negative self-talk we turn it into positive self-talk. Much easier said than done, no doubt, but incredibly effective. Like all attempts to change behavior Karma Yoga asks us to put a thing to practice. If we find ourselves in some loop of negative self-talk then we look for a positive. But it does not end there, we put it to practice by creating somewhat of a mantra that needs immediate repeating.It's in the repetition where the negative is drowned out and the positive can be fulfilled.

Make your mantra today!!


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