Make The Most Of Your Days
Make the most of your days
In dealing with the bhutas (gross elements) we have established a path of evolution and a path on involution. In entanglement theory involution means “a spiraling inward”. The path of evolution takes us from ākāśa (substratum for vibration) to prthvī (mass) while involution from prthvī to ākāśa.
Much like that of the creation of the earth itself our earlier “form” wasn’t merely nothing more than empty space but space with great potential. Small particles begin to coalesce and in the cauldron of great winds and intense heat it’s opposite is formed. The elements being created in the process are the building blocks of all the matter we will know.
Let’s look at the path of involution from a different perspective. As we move towards deeper states of consciousness, the elements create obstructions the mind must learn to traverse. This may not be an unfamiliar concept to some as it shares similarities with the doshas of Ayurveda.
•Vata (Movement) = Ākāśa+Vāyu
•Pitta (Transformation) = Tejas+Apa
•Kapha (Binding) = Apa+Prthvī
The mind first stuck as if trying to hike through thick mud then wading through knee high water. Tejas is luminous but all to chaotic but transcending it softens our thoughts. Finally, after having done great work, it all vanishes!