Lots To Be Glad About

It is both interesting and infuriating that in the application of textualism there is no room for common sense. Sure, I realize that the textualists on the Supreme Court are all too often hypocrites, bending their "understanding" of the constitution to suit their extremist ends. Whether it be dismantling the Voting Rights Act (established legislation, don't "fix" it if it's not broken) or the overturning of Roe (both a backhand to stare decisis and the 9th amendment in my view) ruling against restrictions on conceal carry laws (except those ivory towers, back the blue my ass) as well as many other recent decisions made by extremist conservative justices. There's no doubt that these justices are gifted and well suited for the positions they've attained but simply because one achieves such status does not mean they possess the common sense needed to understand the plight of the common citizen nor the ability to see the real world implications of their decisions. Or, maybe they just don't give a shit!

The fight is not over but how we fight really matters. Even if we're trampled under foot by the lies and manipulations of the extremists that now make up so much of the GOP we must fight this battle from a place of integrity and respect. From my progressive view point there are many conservatives I respect (thank you Ben Sasse for your thoughtfulness) am growing to respect (looking at you Liz) appreciate (John Roberts' balancing act) and simply admire (love you Christie Todd Whitman!) even though I largely disagree with their platforms and policies. How we conduct ourselves in the battle for common sense adds exponential value to our positions.

Nature dictates there be balance and keeping that in mind the reaction to extremism on one side tends to lead to extremism on the other. Respect and Will are the answers to extremism. Respect, when applied in the context of the Dao De Ching, is respecting the many different ideas, thoughts and lifestyles of others. Will is our ability to overcome the urge to roll our eyes when hearing the point of view of others whose viewpoint may be in direct opposition from our own. Wrapped up in the virtue of Will is both self awareness and collective awareness as well as the mental discipline needed to conduct ourselves in a respectful manner. Many of you may think this position is too judicious but is that not we're striving for?

Respect and Will, like all virtues, are practices. As a practitioner of yoga I welcome the challenge to overcome my dismay in light of these recent rulings and learn to apply the virtues to this most recent battle.

The foundations of a civil and caring society are not built on the rage and apathy one feels from losing their freedoms but built on positive action and endless hope for an ideal nation.

Election day is November 8th!


The How of Work


Meekness not Weakness