So Intelligent But Not So Smart
Maybe you’ve heard of the Dunning Kruger Effect but if you haven’t, it’s an effect on those with lower intelligence to assume they are smarter than they actually are. (Look at me, making the assumption I don’t quite fit into that category 😝!) Somewhat the opposite of the Dunning Kruger Effect is Confirmation Bias. That is the Bias created in us by which we seek out information that confirms our own beliefs.
Confirmation bias is realized typically because of social media and prevalent access to information in today’s world. Also, and typically before the age of technology, Confirmation Bias was fostered in the hallowed halls of Universities, higher learning institutions, laboratories and the like. What often happens in these settings is that a student, especially those who hunger for recognition and success, receive well deserved accolades for their hard work, get that all important hit of dopamine and then repeat the process over and over. The affect is that something like a “Correctness Bias” becomes part of the recipient’s condition. (I’m not sure if there’s an actual “correctness bias” but go along with this thought experiment if you will.) The result of this Correctness Bias is that those who have been celebrated for their accomplishments in a certain field become privileged in fields beyond their expertise. The limitations created by this condition could be an unwillingness to accept valid, conflicting information contrary to their own. More so, a willingness to accept the fact they may be incorrect and therefore less likely to change their opinion. Much like Dunning Kruger affects those with lower intellect, Correctness Bias affects the intellectually privileged. In yoga we often attribute these qualities to the effect the ego has on our condition but it becomes clear that the ego itself has been encouraged by a supportive environment. An environment in which the ego thrives.
In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra he outlines the 5 Klesha, or Veils of the Mind (YS 2.2-2.9). The first is Ignorance, the second Ego. It is from Ignorance that the other Kleshas are born. It has been my understanding of these Sutra that we must have at least some assumption of ignorance in all things that may be known (and more importantly unknown but that’s another rant entirely). As with so many corruptive character traits there are always virtues that may negate the effects of our condition so long as we practice them with enthusiasm and conviction. In this case Humility may just be the cure!