Raga: The Pull
The third Kleshas (corruption of the mind) is Raga or Attraction. This is an interesting and much easier corruption to identify and therefore control. It should be noted that the subconscious is always at work and therefor the attractions we do have are always operating either with or without our knowledge.
Above the surface we must have an honest talk with ourselves to root out the attractions that may be detrimental to our wellbeing. Start with the easy stuff. Food, cultural habits , material items and the like. In the Yoga Sutra, Patanjali explains in 2.7 that attraction or the seed of addiction is registered when one experiences something they find pleasurable. As I will likely reiterate in my commentary of sutra 2.8, this reminds me of the lesson Ravana (the “evil” demon king) imparts to Rama and Lakshman upon his death. Ravana declared, “Be wary the things that bring you pleasure for they may bring disaster, and those things you find displeasing may just be beneficial.” This is what I like to call the old cookie and kale conundrum. Sure, cookies are just great in so many ways but can lead, if eaten without restraint, to many unhealthy outcomes while kale (you know the disgusting leafy green 🤪) can have many great benefits.
It’s a strange thing how in life there are many instances where we face the challenges of Raga. Gossip is another habit which can give pleasure in the moment but in actuality it plants the seeds of discontent and insecurity in oneself all the while taking up space which could better serve yourself or others in a positive way.
How is it then we turn this corruption into a useful tool? We certainly cannot say that all things we enjoy are bad for us. Heck, it is my belief that comfort foods are just that, emotionally comforting albeit not that good for us. Discernment is one of the yogi’s most powerful tools. Notice the things you are attracted to and use your better judgement to decide if the object of your attraction is harmful or helpful.