It IS You!
Bhakti yoga (the path of devotion) is the quickest way to enlightenment but often considered the most difficult. It’s a strange conundrum. The idea of deep surrender to something undefinable can move the mind into a state of contemplation and away from a state of reverence. While in a state of contemplation the mind is too active to be receptive enough to embrace the divine. Instead there must be communion. The problem is, for many of us, communion (at it’s most intimate level) is like searching for treasure without a map. There doesn’t even seem to be a reference point let alone reliable directions. Luckily for us there is a starting point on our spiritual journey. It is my belief that Humility is a first cousin to devotion. They both require us to set ourselves aside and place someone or something above ourselves. This, in itself, is no easy task but a required virtue on the path to enlightenment.
Let’s set aside the intentional, rote procedures of devotion and take a moment to reflect on spontaneous divinity. This happens while losing yourself in a moving song or being in awe at the precipice overlooking a grand vista. Maybe it happens while playing music or dancing or getting lost while painting or simply enjoying a painting. Bhakti is uncontrollable laughter and jaw dropping wonder. Sure, the practice of humility is a great first step towards a successful spiritual practice but the divine is present all around you. As a matter of fact, it IS you!